Monday, May 28, 2012

Aegina - we couldn't leave without seeing one island

Remember my post about ruin porn?  This is what it looks like at the site.  It did not disappoint!
(Entrance (east) and west side)

(west and south sides)

You can clearly see the upper level columns, the inner and outer peristyles, spaces for the metopes and part of the slope of the pediment, and even, what looks like stairs!  Yes, ruin porn.

After that, we walked from this site into the next village.  If you go back to the Google satellite view of the second link, to the east of the site and below, you can see a large washed out river bed (light brown) which travels west-southwest down the mountain.  At the bend to the right where the river bed starts, however, is another smaller river bed which travels due south.  We walked down that.  It was marked as a short cut:

The neighbors don't like the path and have posted this special sign (as well as some personal instructions for drivers).

In town, we were able to coordinate a taxi to take us around the island to another site, and then back to the port.  The second site paled in comparison, and the site at the port will be the subject of a letter, with different pictures, to the Greek Tourist Board. 

But we did meet this little girl, who was SO affectionate to both Randall and me, while we were documenting the issue at the gate.

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