Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 1.5 - Met a couple of cool cats

Missing our own cats, we have not been disappointed in Athens.  This little girl we met at the top of the Acropolis.  She was extremely friendly and licked our hands, as well as figured-eighted our legs for a bit of chin scratching before taking her position as watchcat of the ruins.  In the upper left of the picture, you can see the northeast corner of the Parthenon!  Yes, we have other, better pictures, sans cat, but what can I say.  I was feeling feline-deprived.

Then at lunch, we were treated to the company of another guest.  She was quiet, polite, and entertaining, and only put her paw on my hand once to remind me of the deal we had just made.  I am pretty sure that she enjoyed the rabbit, which she ate from my bread plate.  She was not at all interested in Randall's moussaka.  And at the end of the meal, she took one of the bones from my plate.


  1. I'd like to see an all-cat photo gallery of Greece! Keep them coming.

  2. "we have other, better pictures" => sans cat? Definitely not better! :)

    'she figure-eighted our legs' => My new favorite word!!!

  3. Don't let you Trojan Horse get too close to the edge of the cliff.
