Monday, May 21, 2012

A new wake up call

Well, we're in Napflio now, which is positively lovely, and a big improvement over Kalamata, just in location and comfort of the room alone (which actually has furniture other than a bed and a more user friendly bathroom, and we have only had a couple of hours in the city for dinner before we crawled into bed and passed out.

But this morning, I was awakened at 7am by the insistent sound of ship bells (3-3-7, 3-3-7, 3-3-7), and then the screaming of cats.  I'm not sure which it was that got my attention more, but either way, I was awake at an unnatural hour.

As it is Monday, I hope this is not a regular weekday thing.


As a follow up since I first published this about an hour ago, the bells went off again 10 minutes before 8am (4-4-4-8, 4-4-4-8, 4-4-4-8, 4-4-4-8), so it is definitely the bells.  I don't know how Randall can sleep through this!

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