Thursday, May 10, 2012

Craving variety...on TV, that is

We are reduced, well really, I am reduced, to watching CNN whenever we are in the room.  The other 40 channels are of myriad of other languages, and while I could work with French news, or maybe even Italian, after 10 hours of walking, I don't want to work that hard.  Of course this means that my mind is numb after 30 minutes of news both because I don't care that much but also because it is so repetitive.  I keep forgetting that CNN only expects you to watch for 30 minutes, and really has designed their news cycles to drive you away after that time.  Which means that I am finding, for the first time in over 15 years since we got the TiVo, the commercials fascinating!!!  Well, its either the commercials or the stock market or the weather, and even that last doesn't change that much in half an hour.  Adds for travel to Romania and Abu Dhabi are among the most amusing.  Not your normal travel destinations, but I suppose it is relative, although not exactly commensurate with our adds for Montreal, Quebec and Nova Scotia.  Oooh!  Here's one for Buenos Aires sponsored by the UAE.  Gotta go!

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