Thursday, May 24, 2012

A detour to a costal ruin to meet some new friends

As we were also attempting to avoid the bustle of modern Korinthos, we decided to take a detour to see a ruin that we had not planned to visit.  All we knew was that my map showed on the far peninsula of the northern shore on the Gulf of Korinthos, near Perachora, that there was a lighthouse and a grade 5 ruin (on a scale of 1-5).  Now the grade of the ruin had not in any way been dictating which ones we went to see, but having a little extra time and a desire to avoid going back through the rally race, we thought this would be fun.  Turns out is was even better than that.

The temple of Hera Limnea and Heraeon were the first coastal ruins we had seen.  Except for Aesclepius, most of the temples have been high in the mountains (or the highest point that could be found nearby).  Here was one 50' from the water!

But the best part was meeting these two girls:

The tired one actually let me rub her belly!

It seems that not only can you go pretty much anywhere in Greece and see an ancient ruin, but you can also find a couple of cats.

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