Saturday, May 26, 2012

Restaurants in Elefsina (Eleusis)

Both of our guide books have recommended Elefsina as a great place to visit, but surprisingly, there were absolutely no restaurant recommendations, even from a basic Google search.  This was a silly oversight.  There were plenty of good restaurants that were friendly to English-speaking tourists and which were frequented by the locals (a sign that the restaurant is actually good, as opposed to surviving solely on the ignorance of the itinerants), all located on the main pedestrian street east of the archeological site.  So, here they are:

Great souvlaki and gyros in chicken, pork and beef (seasoned patties)--and that's all they serve.  Value, convenience and speed--what more do you want?

When we tried to go back to our first place (above) for lunch and they were not open, we kept walking down the main pedestrian street almost to the shore, and we found this other souvlaki/gyro place.  Here, we got a delicious skewer of pork kebabs that were juicy and tender, inexpensive and easily enough for two!

Our first night, we found this local restaurant on the main pedestrian street where we were blown away by the Cretan pork appetizer which was easily an entree all by itself.  I will have to spend some time trying to recreate the flavor of that marinade!

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