Saturday, May 12, 2012

Quote of the Day

Technically, Randall won today with his "I speak 'cattic' Greek" comment, but this is already a title of the other post, so here is the other doozies of the day.

As we were driving from Delphi to Epirus (yes, I know that is not a city, but we didn't really have a specific destination until we got to the area and saw what was around), as co-pilot and navigator, I kept looking over at the speedometer to check how fast we were going relative to the posted speed limits, particularly since everyone seemed to be passing us.  Hybrid cars, caravans, several tour buses...  Every time I looked over, though, we seemed to be doing around 60kph, until I finally said, "Is the speedometer broken?"  We made better time after that.

Then, as we driving around a random city in Epirus, trying to get back onto the major road to get out of said random city, I told Randall to make a right turn based on our GPS navigator.  He was unsure, since this appeared to be a road no wider than the car, and on a residential street with cars parked on either side.  I assured him, "they're roads...but not as we know them."

Lauren 2; Randall 1.

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