Sunday, May 13, 2012

Heaven v. Hell

Many cultures believe that heaven lies above and hell lies below.  In Greece, it runs from the northeast to the Ioanian Sea.

For those of you who don't know, I'll spare you the Google search.  The River Acheron is one of the 5 rivers in Hades (the underworld, in Greek mythology).  What we didn't know is that in Greece, and Glyki particularly, they walk, swim and raft down the river.  There is something just so wrong with this ideologically.

And we come to find out that there is also a bridge over the River Acheron, for those souls who don't want to get their feet wet.

I, however, shed my shoes, and waded to my ankles in the murky waters.  Let's see if that helps the bruises and blisters to my feet.

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