Friday, May 11, 2012

Aesop's Fable redux

Since we've been in Greece we have seen TWO tortoises.

At the Theatre of Dionysus

At the Columns of the Olympian Zeus

I so rarely ever see turtles or tortoises in the wild, that the second one came as a real shock.  We won't even begin to total the animal count, which also includes 5 horses, and a myriad of dogs, cats, goats, and sheep, and 11 chickens.  So what does this mean that we have seen two tortoises?  Of course we could speculate about who would cross the road first, particularly in a relay race, but since I ate the rabbit the night before, that was moot.

Hey, did you know that tortoises eat dandelions?  Very slow gardening, but it could work in my back yard.

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