Saturday, May 12, 2012

Apparently, I speak "cattic" Greek

I met this little girl at the Temple at Delphi.  I immediately named her Pythia.  She was down in a corner by one of the ruins of the many treasuries by a sign explaining the area, and I had to approach carefully.  So, carefully that she ran right over to me.  After several minutes of crouching, petting her and removing a couple of thistle burrs from her tail, I decided to coax her over to a nearby spare part of some ruin for some not-quite-so-back-breaking affection.  No sooner did I sit down, she was in my lap, curled up and purring.  After about 10 minutes, including intense head and ear massage, gentle rubbing of her front paws and pads, and absent-minded stroking of her haunches, I tried to get up.  She would have none of it, and tried to hold onto my hand and pull it back to her.  Heart-rending, I tell you!  I did not want to leave!

Btw, the title was Randall's quote of the day, but it was so good, we decided to use it for a title.

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