Sunday, May 13, 2012

Stick with the lamb - we haven't seen a single cow

Despite the many "cow crossing" signs we have seen, most of them amusingly enough near falling rock warnings, and having driven through hectares and hectares of farm land, we have not seen a single cow.  Sheep and goat herds aplenty, but nothing to moo at.  Come to think of it, we haven't seen any pigs, either.  Which only makes me wonder about ordering beef (or pork) on the menu.  Where is it coming from???

We've seen and heard the chickens.  I'm fairly comfortable with the thought that it was fresh rabbit.  By law, Greek menus need to indicate if the food was frozen before preparation, and although we have been at or near a coast in both Athens and Delphi, all seafood has uniformly been listed as frozen.  So, until I see it without (fro.) afterward and until I see an actual cow, I'll stick with the lamb.

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