Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Last cat pictures

There were a couple of girls that I got cozy with that we haven't posted, plus a few adorable ones we saw when walking from the Acropolis to dinner last night that I couldn't resist.

We ran into this darling two nights in a row in Elefsina.  We tentatively made a date to meet at 10am before we left, but she was delayed.  We have video, too, for later!

This cutie was on our last night in Nafplio.  Action shot!

And this little sweetheart made the trip to Aegina worthwhile, even before we got to see Aphaia.

Posing on the Parthenon.

Playing on the north side of base of the Acropolis.

Two perched on a wall.

Two napping on a roof next to the Tower of the Winds.

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