Friday, May 25, 2012

The Fifth Water

In the town of Livadia there was rumored to be a river that flowed from a rock and two springs on either side of a cave.  The river is so well-known for the nymph that there is actually a bust of her carved and set in the stream.  However, finding this location, like so many other of our quests, proved unnaturally difficult.

The Trophoneion is a known oracle, and the temple of Zeus Trophonios, equally known, including a sign on some random street in downtown Livadia, but that is all there is.  From there, you must navigate by faith through the rat maze of one way and dead end streets until you randomly find the stream.  Which we did.

(Stream with statue of Glauke) 

(Base of rock beneath the cave is the main source of the stream; left of cave is a spring)

It was a bit of a crawl to get to the source of the spring, but I did it, and managed to get a pure sample.

(spring source at bottom right; ecstatic Lauren at left)

Now, if anyone has any suggestions about decorative displays for the 5 waters of Hades...  I don't think Restoration Hardware or Hammacher-Schlemmer are going to have anything.

1 comment:

  1. I envision commissioning a sealed glass decorative block or cylinder, painted or embellished with the source, for each, then somehow joined with a decorative stand. Now, how to go about find said glass blower, I have no idea. There is an art house glass place in Columbus that does beautiful work, though.
