Sunday, May 13, 2012

Moussaka Mythbusting

Food in Greece has been excellent, although we've been wandering so much we often only have time for two meals a day. We've been trying to focus on Greek specialities, so in many cases it's completely brand new.  I'll admit, I had no real idea what Moussaka was before I ordered it -- I thought it was something like spinach pie, but was completely wrong.  In fact, moussaka is sort of a Greek lasagna-esque dish, with a meat base, a layer of what I think was okra, and then a topping of mashed potatoes and tomato sauce.  All-in-all, a dish with real potential although at the restaurant I had it, it was completely overshadowed by Lauren sharing her stewed rabbit with the polite cat.  I'm definitely going to give it another try, though.

As a side note, I've also discovered the souvlaki (aka grilled meat on a spike with herbs) is tasty but easily overcooked unless you're at a good restaurant.  The times we've had it in touristy areas it's been a bit dry, so now that we're in Northern Greece, far from the tourist crowd, I expect it will be different and hopefully better.

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