Monday, May 21, 2012

Quote of the Day

Sunday, was not the greatest day for either of us, but before we left Kalamata, and while we were still in good spirits, there was at least one funny line.

The bathrooms in Olympia and Kalamata have been of the European design with the hand held shower sprayer that has no place to mount it high to act as a traditional US shower, so you have to aim it where you want the spray to go.  In Olympia, there was a partial glass door to help keep the water from bouncing everything, but we still got used to taking everything out of the bathroom before showering.  In Kalamata, there was no curtain or door.  Just a completely tiled bathroom.

Yesterday, I went to use the bathroom after Randall had showered and inquired, "is there anything in here that isn't wet?"

Ok, it seemed funny at the time.  At least after my showers, I cleaned up the pooling water on the floor so it wasn't so evident how incompetent I am with the sprayer...

1 comment:

  1. I always get a chuckle. So how about the "toilets"? Do you need to carry your own toilet paper when you are in a rural area?

    Thanks so much for blogging. I have sent replies, but they have gone to cyberspace as I had not yet figured out that I HAVE to log in to Google to complete the transaction.
