Monday, May 29, 2017

Our last day

It's always difficult to end a vacation, especially for us one as extraordinary as this one was.  We never had a set itinerary, and although I tried to plan sites and activities into a day, we always remained flexible.

Today was the Numismatic Museum, which was interesting, but not well organized or documented.  With 2500 years' worth of coins just from Greece, and then a desire to compare currency from other countries randomly across centuries, it was also a bit of jumbled mess.  And the museum was hot, with AC units well located behind glass display cases.  Ilithios.  At least it was free.

A quick trip to Louis Vuitton and then back to the apartment to stash purchases before we went to the Acropolis Museum, which couldn't have been more perfectly timed.  The museum was open late, and we were in no real hurry, so we wandered through the exhibits.  Now, since this museum is exclusively dedicated to the Acropolis and the findings on the Acropolis, we didn't expect to see anything new.  The British Museum still has not returned the Parthenon friezes and there is no new excavation (nor construction) going on in the area, so everything should have been the same as 2012.  However, there was a new exhibit about color on statues and buildings, and if only this museum allowed visitors to take photos...

With no particular plan for dinner, we ate at the museum, outside, with a view of the Acropolis as the sun set.

And for amusement, there is now a Lego mock up of the Acropolis!!!

1 comment:

  1. All roads lead to LEgo! ha! Now I know what I'm going to do when I go to the British Museum!
