Friday, May 19, 2017

A staffing problem at Sikionas

So...apparently this site is closed permanently.  Right.  So when has that stopped me.  But the man in the booth outside the museum which is across the street visibly from the archaeological site did have something to say.  The site is closed due to lack of staff, notwithstanding that he was there, apparently working.  Randall noted that his only job was to say, "we're closed".  He did allow as much that we could wander around the fence and see the site.

Immediately, we identified the breach, but at it was 2:00pm, and the site ordinarily wouldn't have closed until 3:00pm, we knew the "security guy" would not leave until we did, or until 3:00pm, whichever occurred first, and we weren't willing/able to waste enough time to allow the latter to occur.

However, there is a convenient road which abuts the fence nearly all around the archaeological site, and which allows you to get almost as close as you would had you been on the other side of the fence.  This was not a site where you could interact with the ruins even if open.

So, we begin with the ampitheatre, which had an annoying sign outside, and feeling rather belligerent at this point, I completely chose to disregard it.

Ok, here's a real picture:

Then, Randall and I drove the car to the highest point (see our note about the Heraeon), and were able to get some perspective on the site.

Agora in the foreground, temple in the background.

And closer pictures of the temple--they still don't know if it is for Apollo or Artemis, but as day/night twins, they can share, can't they?

1 comment:

  1. I can't even imagine seeing these things in the actual scale! You should try and take some panoramic photos. I think that would be fascinating to see. LOVE the photos and that you ignored the sign. Annoying indeed!!
