Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Unusual animal spotting

This is the inverse of Animals in Unusual Places.  

On our first trip to Greece, we made a list of things that you could be guaranteed to hear/see every day, no matter where you were.  Roosters crowing, not just at daybreak, a herd of something (goats, sheep), snails (or at least the evidence of them).  

We also made a list of unusual (rare) animals that we did see.  So far, we are making good progress on seeing all of those animals again (perhaps they are not quite so rare, but then we are unusual tourists venturing into some unconventional areas).

While trekking to/from the fortress at Eleutherai we saw two snakes, which we think were grass snakes.  I saw mine first, and my shriek filled the valley.  Randall remained calm and silent when he saw his, but his was only 18", whereas mine was a good 36"!  We also saw two wild boar, which were just as confused by us as we were of them, and went running off into the brush.

There are also an abundance of owls.  Doesn't matter if you are in rural Greece or downtown Athens.  You can always hear owls hooting.  While at Mycenae, we heard three of them hooting at the same time, all in 5/4 (hoot hoot rest hoot rest, repeat).  Once Randall got the pattern in his head, he couldn't unhear it.  You're welcome!

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