Sunday, May 21, 2023

Quote of the Day

Randall and I were driving on the A7 which is a toll road.  Normally, we would pay 3.90€ in each direction, and as co-pilot/navigator, one of my duties is to assemble the correct change so we can throw it in the basket and be on our way.  

So, I quickly collected 5 coins adding to this very specific number, but when Randall tried to hand it to the attendant, she was hading him a receipt instead.  There was a short confusing exchange as each was trying to give something to the other that neither wanted or needed.  Then, she said "it's free today", which made no sense, but we weren't going to argue.  

As we were driving on, Randall observed that "today is a day divisible by two primes in a month which is also prime" as his rationale for why it was free.

NB:  We learned tonight that because it was a national election day (Sunday), all the tolls are free, so we also didn't have to pay when we returning to our apartment, although we were again, ready with the change.

As a close runner up or a sub-category called "Words We Wish Existed Because We Are Tired", Randall coined the word "mappist", which I noted was a cartographer.

1 comment:

  1. “Mappist” is a perfectly cromulent word, and the fact that autocorrect was changing it to Maoist is just a sign that Silicon Valley is ruled by closet communists…
