Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Night and Day

We're back!  It took an extra year from our original plan due to the pandemic, but that only makes the trip that much more anticipated.  

After 18 hours of travel, we started with a sumptuous meal at Sense, where I became the official photographer for the diners as our table was next to the window, and after having befriended the hostess, she opened the window, despite the chill, to allow for better pictures.  So, there is an Aussie couple who has the same photos as I do.  

However, after a full day of travel, we were too tired to do much more than dine our first night, and so to compensate, we arose bright and early (unusual, I know, but Greece agrees with me) to see the Acropolis as it opened.  We probably won't ever do that again as the tour groups also start a 8:00am.  

Thus, I bring you "Night and Day".  

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