Friday, May 19, 2023

My Greek is getting better - earthquake edition

As a result of an exercise I did for a friend's son to help him practice reading ahead in a word/sentence, rather than only reading letter by letter, I have been practicing reading Greek words similarly--taking a mental snapshot of the whole word and trying to visually parse familiar syllables especially at the ends of words (-ος, -oy, -κή).  This is especially challenging when the Greek letter looks like a Roman letter, but has a completely different sound.

So, this evening I was practicing reading the crawl on Greek news--you've got to keep up!--and read the word "seismic" (or its near equivalent) and "Κρήτη" and realized that we had just left Crete the night before they had a 5.1 earthquake in Heraklion!

Randall has experienced quakes of the 4-level. Me, none, and still none!

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