Saturday, May 27, 2023

Ode to the Theragun

A few years ago, a very dear friend loaned me her Theragun because I was having some muscle pain.  It changed my life.  Now, whenever I travel and I know I am going to be doing a lot of walking/standing (Walt Disney World, Las Vegas, and now Greece), I pack it.

At the beginning of this trip, I posted about the obvious errors with the data produced by my Apple Watch.  Notwithstanding what I know are grossly underestimated values for number of flights of stairs and missing data during the times when my watch died because I forgot to charge it (26 hours of darkness), I walked over 80 miles, 4+ miles each day, stood more than sat every day, including days when we were driving for 7 or more hours, and seemed to still log around 20 flights of stairs daily.  The Apple Watch suggested that I climbed over 50 flights of stairs on 3 separate occasions, exercised 90 min daily, and had a personal best of 3 hours (174 min).  

To say that the Theragun was my friend each and every night would have been an understatement.  It was what allowed me to get up the next day and do it all over again.   

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